Randall graduated from the Moore School of Business @ the University of South Carolina with a B.S. in Marketing and a minor in Economics.  His Master Degree and post graduate studies were focused on Psychology and Leadership Development.  He trained for two years in Neurolinguistics Programming and obtained the level of Master Practitioner.  He is licensed as a Professional Counselor and as a Marriage and Family Therapist.  For over 15 year’s he maintained a private practice in psychotherapy.

Randall served as a weapons officer with special operations assignments in the U.S. Navy obtaining the rank of Lieutenant.

A sampling of the companies I have been privileged to offer coaching insights and aid in the leadership development of managers and top company executives are:

  • Schlumberger (across a wide range of business segments in their worldwide organization)
  • British Petroleum Offshore drilling and exploration
  • Exxon Mobil U.S (North America) exploration
  • Baker Hughes Latin America (Brazil) oil field services and supply chain
  • Titan Fitness and Fitness Connection National executive team
  • Telecom industry companies, including TruConnect, TransComm U.S., Sage Telecommunications, Source Communications, PacWest Telecom.
  • Investment Banking Principles
  • Rice University eMBA candidates as part of the University's career development program

Randall's Coaching Niche:

My Navy experience was invaluable due to what I learned about leadership:

All effective leadership has a common characteristic----the ones being led grant you permission to lead them.  From that came the idea that managers and executives who gain this permission are really good at soft skills and can build relationships. The good news is these can be learned by anyone through awareness and practice.

Randall's Coaching Approach:

My primary focus is on raising the Relational IQ of my clients.

We work together in the 3 most dominant relational areas

  • Mastering the client's personal psychology as he or she relates to themselves.
  • Nurturing and relying on personal relationships of their closest family and friends
  • Developing and maintaining professional relationships in a 360 radius of the client.

Let's focus on your strengths and achievements first as a baseline to start.

Let's explore how these strengths can be utilized to craft your personal success as a managing leader.

Let's introduce some concepts that can become default behaviors when faced with  the challenges that are specific to your career development.

Let's use these concepts in real world situations so you can see them work and build your confidence in your ability to be influential.

Let's have some fun while we stretch a bit to gain that next level of relational intelligence.

Randall McNeal

Randall McNeal & Associates, PLLC

(713) 267-0634